A photomontage is a collage work that incorporates cut (or torn) photographic images, generally in a semi-abstracted style and over a white or solid-color background. For this project, I used photomontage techniques to design an album cover for the premiere album of a band with a randomly-generated name “Stunning Stunning”.

I used my own interpretation of the band’s name to think up their genre and style. At first I didn’t include the band’s name on the album art. The first process was only incorporating non-photographic elements. The composition was primarily defined by the photos.

Sketches / ideas:

Sketches for “Stunning Stunning”

My favorite stand outs from the sketches were 4,5 and 7. I then continued to keep developing the concept more. Which brought me to my first digitalized draft of concepts.

Round 1:

For my round 2 of concepts my ideas were more developed & I incorporate type to the album. The silhouettes were the primary concept idea of my whole album. I defined my silhouettes more for the album.

Round 2:


Stunning Stunning – Final
Stunning Stunning – Final