Thank you so much for the detailed feedback to your advisees on their Literature review submissions. As you know, the term paper is a scaffolded assignment, where students build on the feedback from the literature review to improve on their final paper submission.
The entire assignment is posted to Brightspace under the Lecture Information tab. It includes instructions and grading rubrics for each of the 3 parts of the assignment. Those parts are submitted separately under the Assignments tab, which is graded based on the same exact rubric which is now also available under each submission for ease of grading.
Following the Literature review submissions, there seems to be a common misunderstanding of the use of current resources in scientific research. Since all topics are well researched with new information published all the time, students must use current sources – within the last 5 years. Although it was not specifically written in the assignment, it was mentioned verbally during the term paper discussion in class. Since many students already used some of the sources older than 5 years, they can keep them in the main paper. However, they must add more sources so each submission has at least 3 current peer-reviewed articles. Additional sources, such as textbooks, governmental reports, etc. are also acceptable, but in addition to the 3 main sources.
Another common error is citing sources in APA format. Many students do not use it properly or rely on AI-generated references in their papers.
Thank you for all your hard work.
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