Hello Writers!
Please bring a draft and copies of Unit 3 for peer workshop on Wednesday, Nov 27.
The final draft of UNIT 3 is due on MONDAY, December 2.
Use this peer worksheet for Unit 3
If you are not composing in one the the genres of one of your Unit 2 sources, you also have the option of doing a one of the three genres we discussed in our last class. Follow the genre conventions and rhetorical choices noted in the margins of the mentor texts posted on Blackboard in the “Content” section for 1. a researched argument, 2. an editorial or opinion piece, or 3. a news article.
(These links may work, but if they don’t, you all should be able to sign on to Blackboard to access course content.) D351: Blackboard: Content for the 11:30 am class: OR D382: Blackboard: Content for the 1:00 pm class.