
At the start of the semester, I learned a lot about myself. I discovered how I learn best and what types of classes suit me. After trying different approaches, I realized that I prefer attending classes in person rather than online. I also received feedback on my writing and realized that it was often too vague and general. Looking back at my work, I understood why this critique was given. 

I took the feedback about my writing seriously. I saw that my writing lacked details and didn’t explain my ideas at all. 

 After making changes, my writing became more focused and included specific examples and clear language to express my thoughts. This transformation improved my work.

In summary, this semester has been a time of self-discovery and growth for me. I learned that I prefer in-person classes and worked on improving my writing by making it more specific. These experiences taught me the value of self-reflection, accepting feedback, and striving for clarity in my academics. Moving forward, I’m excited to apply these lessons and skills to the future.