Mentor and Colleague

When I first entered Rebel Tattoo everyone welcomed me with open arms. I realized quickly that this would be a place where I could communicate with my fellow man with ease. But someone in particular stood out. A good friend and colleague of mine named Tre. He was a great mentor and he looked out for me from the jump. I knew that there were politics involved in the shop and he made sure that I understood the different nuances of the dynamics and where I fit into the role. Each and every day Tre would make sure to check in on me and give me insight not only into the tattoo world but the world as a whole. Something I immediately noticed was how Tre interacted with his clientele. Each and every one of them engaged in conversation with him so well and he made them feel at peace. Something that can attest to that is the fact that most if not all of his clients would eventually fall asleep in his chair, which is saying something given the reputation tattoos have for pain. It’s been really amazing to learn from him as he grows and becomes a better artist. I’m glad to have him in my corner and I honestly can’t wait to learn more from him.

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