Reflecting my Strengths


Looking back, I was a timid student who thought I could go through the nursing program with no problem, but I got a reality check very quickly. I was going to go through many trials and tribulations, many defeats but also success.

As I grow I realize that I have built up my patience greatly, not everything goes how you want it to immediately, you have to be patient and resilient. I’ve also learned how to work along side other people, I’ve always been a loner and try to get things done on my own. But working as a nurse I’ve realize everything is a team effort and you wont be able to survive on your own. My observational skills have also increased immensely, I’ve always been observant but now I’m able to pick up on very little details. I am so proud of myself and where I came from and I can’t wait to continue to build and be the best I can be.

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