Horan School

I was lucky enough to be have the opportunity to work with children with autism and educate them on the importance of diet and toothbrushing. We created a poster board to showcase the healthy and unhealthy foods that may lead to cavities. In addition, we were able to create a hands on activity to teach the students adequate biofilm removal using laminated sheets of teeth and dry erase markers.


Give kids a smile 🙂

At our school we had a great opportunity to see children at our clinic for Give Kids A Smile. I was lucky enough to be able to work with an 11 year old boy and gain first hand experience working with children. I got to learn and see for myself what a mixed dentition looks like, as well as placing 2 sealants on pediatric patients. Since I have only been working with adult patients, this was a great opportunity to learn about the child patient and how different it is to treat them.

Public Health Head Start Project – Smile Savers

For our Public Health class we had the opportunity to reach out to middle schoolers to teach them the importance of OHI and protective mouthguards for sports injuries. This service learning project aimed to educate middle school students aged 12 to 14 on various aspects of dental health. It focused on mouthguard usage to prevent sports-related oral injuries, tobacco cessation due to the prevalence of flavored e-cigarette use among adolescents, and proper oral hygiene practices, considering the impact of nutrition on dental health. The project included interactive sessions, demonstrations, and post-intervention assessments using Kahoot surveys.

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