About Me

Introduction: My name is Danielle Bouyer. I am a 25 year old nursing student in the RN-BSN program. I am a registered nurse who also loves to make music and loves to write poems and stories.

  1. Professional Philosophy of NursingMy philosophy of nursing is that a nurse puts the patient first. The patient is to be in the center of the plan of care. A nurse is to advocate for the patient, especially when the patient is in a state where they cannot advocate for themselves. Nurses must be objective and open minded when approaching every case that is presented to him or her. They must see the patient first and not the disease or disorder. A holistic approach should be taken when implementing a plan of care for the patient.

    My core values and beliefs are that one is to be empathetic, attentive, diligent, and just. A nurse must be empathetic and be able to put themselves in the patient’s shoes. For example, a nurse must ask, “If I were in this situation, how would I like to be treated?” A nurse must be attentive to certain details. A nurse must pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal ques. A nurse must be diligent and must work herd at managing the cases presented as well as the tasks that are assigned. Lastly, a nurse must be just and fair in every situation, remaining unbiased when analyzing cases.

    With all of the responsibility that comes with the position of being a nurse, self- awareness is imperative. A nurse must know how they identify themselves and what culture they relate to. They must understand and be aware of these values, customs, and beliefs that they have so that they can assess their readiness to take on the challenges that will be inevitable.

    Nursing is more than a profession. It is the mindset and understanding of selflessness as well as the importance of patient advocacy and care.


    Jack, K. Smith, A. Promoting self-awareness in nurses to improve nursing practice. (2007) Nursing Standard. 21, (32) ,47-52. doi: 10.7748/ns2007.

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  2. dbouyerPost authorMay 21, 2018 at 10:25 pm
    My name is Danielle Bouyer. I am a nurse who has a desire to make a change in the nursing field as well as in health care in general. I love to have fun and I am passionate about creative writing.

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