Learning Self-Analysis

I have had a lot of difficulty during my nurse education experience. I my nursing education began at the Nursing AAS program at New City College of Technology where I graduated with my AAS degree in nursing. This was a tremendous accomplishment for me due to the many difficulties and setbacks I had. Nursing at that time was more them I expected it to be. But I was able to succeed in the program and receive my license. The AAS nursing program professor were always telling me and my classmate that we needed to get our bachelors in nursing. I did not really see the sense in what they were saying until I started my job search.  I saw that the majority of health care facilities were only looking for registered nurses who had their bachelor degree. I learned that statistical RNs with their bachelor degree tend to provide better quality care to their patients. I learn the reason why this was true in my BSN courses. Where I learned how health care facility have a set budget, how they are reimbursed, and how BSN nurses save facilities on why this was true in bs RNs with their bachor degress tend to provides better qulity money due to their higher education, which allows them to pick critical problems that may occur in patients thus saving the facility money from these health consequences. I learned that there are different types of care which can decrease the health care cost and how to be a nurse advocate for fellow nurses who maybe stressed out from their over worked job.  The most important thing I learned in my baccalaureate program is that the nursing profession is going into a new direction which is community care where a lot of patient care planning will be needed and nurse advocacy will be necessary for patient outcomes.

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