Individual strengths

Since I was young I saw both of my parent’s worked crazy hours to put food on the table and clothes on me and brother and sisters backs. My mom worked as a nurse and would sometimes take me and my brother with her to her job. Seeing my mom work so hard made me feel that, she was amazing because she took care of all these people as if they were her actual family members. I remember wanting to be just like her. I wanted to be nice, caring and loving. I figured that I would give nursing a chance. I signed up for the nursing program at NYCCT, and got accepted the next semester. The program was extremely harder then what I expected. I even almost failed out the program, but I was able to also successful pass my state board.

I wanted to make my mom proud and to also show myself that I can do whatever I put my mind too. I realized that I did not want to be an average person, I wanted to be extraordinary. I plan to get my master’s degree in nursing, to be a usefully person and change at least one person’s life. That is my dream and goal in life. One of my strengths is that I am extremely determined about completing a goal/task I set for myself and do not allow distractions to get in my way. I am a hard work that is filled with passion, compassion, reliability, determination and wants the best outcomes for my patients.

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