Rhetorical Situation Ripe Figs

David Bastien

English 1121



Rhetorical Situation Ripe Figs



The purpose of this story by Kate Chopin in “ Ripe Figs” is to show people that wanting to growing up too fast is a bad thing and that taking one’s time to mature is the best way to become a respected human being in life. Which is shown by Maman-Nainaine saying that the fruits have ripen early but to the girl Barbette is seem too slow , which show us that many things in life are abut prospective from one another views and belief and one should not be in a hurry to get things done. For those reading this story its a perfect fit because everyone can relate at one time in their life they wanted to become an adult and get the freedom that came with it and not think of all the responsibility that also came with, or the experience need to handle any situation that comes their way.

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