Research Outline

David Bastien




Research Outline



Trash, the material that people after their done with using it or any other way. Trash in New York City, is something that is untouched by politics or any form of order that can help reduce the increasing amount of trash that is in our city today. Not enforcing the stopping of the placement of where these products are going; for cause damaging effects for no just animals and human but for the whole entire planet. There are many types of trash such as recyclable and not recyclable trash, example glass bottle are trash that we can reuse over and over again and doesn’t cause any effect on the environment. What are the key things or action that we have to take to make sure that our trash is taking care of?



Body paragraph

Topic 1: Solid Waste

  • Different types of trash that exist
  • A little history on the trash to the coast line or waterfront
  • Counter argument of the topic

Topic 2 : Electronic Trash or data from Companies dumping there stuff into the water destroying the environment.

  • No correct regulation of how to control what gets dump and what doesn’t get dumped.
  • Counter argument of the topic


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