Internship information

Department of Social Science/Data Analytics in Economics

ECON 4201: Internship/Research in Data Analytics

Course Description: Supervised work experience in Data Analytics with a private company or governmental agency. Students gain experience employing the methods and tools of data analytics in applied settings examining Economic and related data.

Requirements to Register for Econ 4201:

  1. Completion of 3 years or 90 credits towards the degree.
  2. Secure an internship before registering for the class.
  3. Consult with either the Data Analytics Program Director, Dr. Sean Macdonald, or the department Internship Coordinator, Prof. Suela Aalsberg, to ensure the appropriateness of the project.
  4. Fill out the Internship Placement Form and submit it to the department Internship Coordinator, Prof. Suela Aalsberg.
  5. Students provide evidence of having completed Title IX training (
  6. Register for the class once your internship is officially approved by the Internship Coordinator, Prof. Suela Aalsberg.

Expectations from Students to Get a Grade for Econ 4201:

  1. Students must work 120 hours in the host organization under direct and regular supervision of the internship coordinator.
  2. Keep a Log of dates, hours and daily activities.
  3. Reflection Paper.
  4. Written Report.
  5. An oral presentation.
  6. Submit a resume that has been revised by the PDC.

Expectations from Supervisors:

1. Mentor and supervise students.

2. Fill out an evaluation form (provided by the Internship Coordinator to the supervisor towards the end of the semester).