Category Archives: Coursework

The Resistance: Science Vs. Nature

  1. Executive Summary

1.1. Objective: To expand the series that I’ve been building for so long

1.2. Goals: To make money from the franchise

1.3. Target Audience: Ages 13+

1.4. Problem: Preservation, Discrimination, Enslavement, & War

1.5. Solution:

1.5.1. Elevator pitch: Advance the world of science or Preserve the life of the planet.

1.5.2. Core features: The game will allow you to customize your character and fight for your army.

  1. Proposed Game Concept

2.1. Overview: The Resistance: Science vs. Nature is a Multi-Platform, third person,Ā open-world, action-adventure game

In the game, you choose your side of the war,Ā where you complete missions assigned by your superiors,Ā capture territories, or competing quests given by fellow soldiers.

2.2. Background

2.3. Informing Elements: Xenoblade Chronicles X, Splatoon, Bioshock,Ā World of Warcraft, Infamous

2.4. Game Synopsis: You wake up in a small room as a war prisoner and your allies break you out soon after. You must then take up arms and fight for your side.

2.5. Game Mechanics: Avatar Customization, Equipment, XP Points, Levels, Party, Quests, Status, Currency, Exploration, Fixed Rewards, PvP

2.6. Game World:

Setting: Planet Earth

Structure: The player is a soldier for the army of the Nexus or The Resistance, which is chosenĀ before the game starts. Ā The Resistance fights to preserve the planet, while the Nexus seeks to exploit the planet’s resources for their scientific research.

Plot:Ā Ten-thousand years ago, the Earth had undergone an incredibly dangerous transformation at the hand of humans. Scientific advancements had caused an increase need of resources.Ā As the years passed, the planet was nearly hallowed, most of the water had dried up or had been rendered undrinkable, and several different species were at the verge of extinction.Ā In a last attempt to save itself, the Earth divided up itā€™s remaining life-force and bestowed it upon key individuals who became known as ā€œElementals,ā€ who managed to succeed in restoring the planet to its former state through war.Ā In the present, knowledge of such events and the Elementals are unknown to most of the world. A certain organization has knowledge of the Elementals and now wishes to capture them for their powers.

Characters: Player Avatar, Various NPCs

2.7. Other Design Considerations

Look & feel: Realistic yet Bizarre and Alien

Sound design: Varies

Tone: Varies

2.8. Tech Spec (target platform, front end, back end, db)

  1. Recommendations

3.1. Suggested Team (roles & name, bios)

3.2. Estimated Budget ($1,500,000)

3.3. Rough Timeline (6 Years)


  1. Appendix

4.1. Concept Art

4.1. References



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