Dynamic Web Development: Servlets and JSP

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the role of Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP). It provides instruction in building web pages dynamically, organizing projects into web applications, and deploying these applications using a web server, such as Apache Tomcat. The course presents role of Servlets as middleware in an N-tiered design structure (acting as a middle layer between requests coming from Web browsers or other HTTP clients and databases or applications on the HTTP server). The conceptual frameworks of the Servlet life cycle, handling client requests, generating server responses, handling cookies, session tracking, the proper uses of JSPs, and the integration of Servlets and JSPs using the MVC (model-view-controller) architecture are all discussed. Hands-on laboratory exercises reinforce the material presented in the lectures and enable students to develop related programming skills.

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the role of Servlets and JSP in web application development.
  • Install, configure, and use Tomcat and Eclipse for Servlet and JSP development and deployment.
  • Describe the Servlet life cycle.
  • Demonstrate understanding of dealing with form data from client requests.
  • Demonstrate understanding of various HTTP request headers, and how to access them from a client request.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the meaning, format, and means of setting HTTP response codes.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the meaning, format, and means of setting HTTP response headers.
  • Demonstrate understanding of how to send and receive cookies, their benefits and drawbacks, and differences between session and persistent cookies.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the various elements of session tracking and the Java session tracking API.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the syntax and utility of Java Server Pages (JSP).
  • Demonstrate understanding of invoking Java code with JSP scripting elements.
  • Demonstrate understanding of controlling the structure of Servlets generated from JSP.
  • Demonstrate understanding of including files and applets in web pages using JSP.
  • Use JavaBeans components in JSP documents.
  • Integrate Servlets and JSP using the Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture.

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