Web Programming I

Course Description:

This course focuses on how to design and maintain interactive and dynamic Web sites using HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and client-side scripting with JavaScript. The goal is to develop dynamic, effective, and pleasing Web sites. The students will learn JavaScript programming, the JavaScript Data Object Model (DOM), JavaScript event handlers, and how to integrate JavaScript programs in a HTML document. Students will apply this knowledge to create Web sites that include pop-up windows and scrolling messages, as well as to validate forms and enhance the use of images and form objects. Client-side scripting technology will also be used to create cookies and shopping cart applications.

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the basic principles and concepts behind the Word Wide Web: Web pages, browsers, Web server, HTML.
  • Use the tools necessary to create and test Web pages: browsers, text editors, GUI editors.
  • Upload and download Web pages to/from a Web server.
  • Understand the anatomy of a Web site and the basic Web Page design principles.
  • Design Web pages with HTML using formatting tags, hypertext links, tables, frames, and forms.
  • Use Cascading Style Sheets to produce a consistent style in all pages of a Web site.
  • Program in JavaScript using variables, arithmetic, relational and logical operators control and repetition structures, functions, and arrays.
  • Use intrinsic JavaScript objects and user-defined objects in JavaScript programs.
  • Demonstrate understanding of JavaScript event handlers. • Embed JavaScript programs into HTML code.
  • Create Popup Windows, Scrolling Messages and Validating Forms.
  • Support a Web Site once it is installed, maintaining and improving content/design/linkages/ technology, digitize/manipulate audio/video media for use on the Web and using HTML to create a multimedia Web page.

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