Systems Analysis and Design

Course Description:

An introduction to systems analysis and design concepts and tools. Detailed study of the Context of Systems Development Projects and System Design Methods. Introduction to the System Development Life Cycle and System Development Methodology.

Course Objectives:

Upon the completion of the class, the student should be able to:

  • Define information system; identify the basic types of applications.
  • Identify the stakeholders in an information system development project • Define the role of a systems analyst and the skills required
  • Describe a simple process for developing information systems and differentiate between the waterfall and the interactive/incremental approaches to systems development.
  • Define information systems architecture and understand the role it plays in systems development
  • Understand how the Zachman diagram displays the information system architecture as a set of information system building blocks that meet specific stakeholder goals for Knowledge, Process, and Communications.
  • Understand the motivation for a standard system development methodology from a quality management perspective
  • Define the essential phases of the system development methodology in terms of purposes, inputs, and outputs
  • Understand why and how alternative “routes” through the system development phases may be constructed to handle the special requirements of different project goals
  • Define and differentiate project, project management, and process management
  • Understand the use of PERT and Gantt charts in managing a project

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