ClientServer Technology

Course Aims/Description: 

This course covers two basic areas: Using VB.NET data access techniques via ADO.NET, and writing VB.NET software for the internet via ASP.NET, The first section covers both the OLEDbClient and SQLClient data providers that come with the .NET framework. The second section will examine how VB.NET can interact with Web pages to structure the page and retrieve data.

Instructional Objectives:

  • Expose students to actual production applications, so classroom lessons are seen in the context of the industry
  • Teach the key classes of ADO.NET in terms of connecting to a database and using its information
  • Provide the background necessary to do transactional based systems using to advanced classes of ADO.NET databases that emphasize locking, transaction processing and concurrency.
  • Develop applications that integrate objects across the web and a database server
  • Demonstrate the various features of ASP.NET including the Security Model, Postback, use of master/detail pages, etc.
  • Explore the various state management issues involved in web processing.

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