
As I reflect on the past 3 years I can definitely say I have been blessed to meet the

most wonderful students, professor and patients. Coming into this program I

honestly thought it would be a breeze, boy was I wrong. I spent a lot of nights up

studying and finishing papers/assignments. I believe that this program has

expanded my intellect in nursing, with numerous research done I have not only

learned and gained factual evidence based information, but I can now apply it to my

daily nursing career. When we have meetings and topics such as turnovers,

budgeting, nursing hours, etc. are being discussed I actually know what they are

talking about and do not have to steadily nod my head as if I knew what they were

speaking of. I can know give insight and opinions to run a smoother unit and that

feeling is one that no one can take away from me.

I have encountered some of the best professors’, counselors’, and clinical teachers

that maybe the world has to offer. I have learned so much from them not only in a

nursing aspect but as a role model. These are individuals that strip themselves down

to the core and remove the M.S or PhD that follows their name. They teach you

about life, remembering where you come from, faith in oneself, never giving up and

always setting goals; and that is essential. The faculty, staff and students will always

have a positive remembrance in my heart.

As far as my experiences, the one that has impacted me most was my last clinical

rotation at a school. First, let me say the environment was different it was not one of

a hospital, nursing home, etc. My weekly duty was to reach out to mentally

challenged adolescents that had additional issues of foster care, suicide, parents

incarcerated or dealing with domestic violence. Initially I was intimidated it was

hard to even get them to listen to you, but by the end of the semester these kids

loved our group they looked forward to Wednesdays. My goal was to inspire them

that there is hope, that they can make it and that they too were special. These kids

were some of the smartest kids I have ever encountered. After, getting to them I

realized that mental illness was just a diagnosis it didn’t make them who they are.

All in all, this journey is one I would and could never forget. It has taught me to be

the best individual I could be, and nothing that is worth having will ever come easy.

My goal: To be a shining light to others.

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