
Part of what makes every person unique is a personality that consists of both strengths and weaknesses. My personal strengths are having a good sense of humor, taking responsibility for my actions, ability to be trained quickly, and finding the most efficient way to execute a process. My weaknesses consist of having a lack of discipline to complete undesirable tasks, procrastination, punctuality, and introversion. I also tend to be very critical of myself.

I believe that finding the humor in any situation is my key to maintaining a positive attitude. Having a good sense of humor is very important and helps me deal with life’s day-to-day stresses. I enjoy an open banter with close friends and making fun of their decisions which, in hindsight, were found to be unwise. In addition, I can also laugh about something absurd that I did.

It is important that I take responsibility for my decisions and actions. More often, it seems that people are not held accountable. Society, in general, seems to be tolerant of excuses and reasons why a person should not be blamed. If I made a mistake, I am able to accept the consequences of my actions.

Learning how to do things has always come easily to me. Once I have been shown how to operate something or what process to follow, I am able to repeat it correctly. As a child I effortlessly learned how to play several instruments; the piano, saxophone and flute. As an adult, I quickly learn new processes taught at work and often assist the training team as they help others become knowledgeable. I hope to maintain my effortless ability to learn as I continue throughout my educational career.

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