
My personal strengths are my resilience, eagerness to learn, trustworthiness, kindheartedness, compassion and assertiveness. These strengths have fostered within me from ever-since I was a young child, and has continued to mature with me well into young adulthood. My resilience can be noted in my ability to overcome any circumstance despite being cautioned of its level of difficulty. Throughout nursing school, I have faced many obstacles, but not one has prevented me from pursuing and completing my higher level of education. I always believed in my ability to overcome challenges by bringing forth my best efforts and keeping my faith undying. That mentality has warranted me many successes such as, passing my NCLEX-RN on the first try and being on track to graduating on-time from NYCCT’s nursing baccalaureate program in spite of personal life occurrences. My eagerness to learn is another personal strength because it has enabled me to value and gain    so much beneficial insight from my academic classes and current job. Having trustworthiness and kindheartedness as personal strengths are great assets to my character because I have always been known by many for my authentic and caring nature, which has allowed me to blossom throughout the course of my life. Being compassionate is a personal strength of mine that I treasure because it has granted me the opportunity to touch the lives of so many clients, especially those who lacked in having a strong support  system. For instance, when I did my clinicals in the Associate degree program and had to work with hospice clients, I always made sure to put aside ample time to lend a listening ear or provide comforting measures to ease their suffering. My  assertiveness is a personal strength of mine that I’m grateful to have developed over the years because its presence in my character has made communication amongst my peers and work colleagues effective, direct and mature. Also, it has enhanced my leadership skills in my professional life because my coworkers find positive guidance through my decisive and bold communication method. Each of my personal strengths have ameliorated my life for the better, and are undoubtedly significant in my ability to excel in various areas of my life.