Learning Self- Analysis

In my pursuit of attaining a higher education, I’ve learned that the use of evidence-based practice, reflective learning and adopting personal health care habits are key to succeeding in one’s post- baccalaureate studies. By learning the importance of using  evidence-based practice in nursing through multiple courses I’ve taken, its value to the profession should not be underestimated. It is paramount to providing successful and positive health care outcomes because actual data and evidence proves its favorable results. Reflective learning is another useful learning tool that I’ve come to cherish because it enables an individual to achieve a deeper understanding about the material being presented and how it can personally apply to an individual’s life and leave a meaningful impact. When I’ve used reflective learning in my classes, it allowed me to take away valuable life lessons such as, developing a better sense of self-awareness and becoming more knowledgeable about my personal strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, adopting personal health care practices was a major lesson I learned from my leadership and management class because it conveyed that in order to be a great leader, nurse or person in general; you have to be able to take care of yourself sufficiently first. Neglecting our health, as nurses, has proven time and time again to be the worst choice to make as it takes a serious toll on our holistic health. Therefore, we need to always remember to put ourselves first because if we cannot help ourselves, we cannot expect others to automatically or spontaneously do so. The baccalaureate program at NYCCT has helped me flourish into a more knowledgeable and conscientious person who is willing to continue the pursuit of lifelong learning and staying informed with medical and technological advances throughout my career.