
Nursing is an art and a science. It is a vast field that is comprised of many different and fundamental components. I believe that nursing is more than a profession, it is a lifestyle and one that is difficult to master. However, through the development of good character and skills, it becomes more satisfying and rewarding as time elapses. An individual who seeks a career in nursing should have a willingness and drive to care for others, especially when at their weakest state.   My philosophy for nursing is that we are the most trustworthy profession in the world; therefore it is our duty to deliver compassion, authenticity, integrity, empathy and respect to all patients that we encounter regardless of their predisposition.

Also, I believe that nursing requires us as professionals to look beyond the obvious. It is vital that throughout our profession, we stand firm by the belief that, “Prevention is better than cure”. Teaching and educating our clients about the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle is imperative. By informing and and encouraging our clients to find healthy ways of living before illness occurs, we can potentially save more lives than originally intended.