View from my window: Research

When I look out of my bedroom window, I am able to see almost two whole blocks. There isn’t really much to look at because its such a simple and quiet  place.The first thing that catches my eye when I look out my window is the street signs bearing the name of the street I live on that is shaped like two rectangles. The street sign is right smack in the center of a fork in the road along with a octagon shaped stop sign. There are alot of geometric shapes I see when I look out my window.            There is also a curvy walkway going into the entrance going to my front door with square tiles inside of it. I also have a huge tree that hangs over my house smack in the middle of my front yard. Across the street all the houses are evenly divided and go off on a diagonal plane, Until my view is cut off by a fence across the street that seems to be put together by rectangles. There is also a rectangular flag blowing in the yard across the street. My view consists of alot of the same shapes and patterns but not alot of symmetry.


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