Nursing Philosophy

Nursing is a caring profession. It is all about caring for people. It is not meant for everyone. In fact, not everyone will do well as a nurse. It is a vocation that one needs to be called into, just as pastors are called to preach. It is a job and lifestyle that demands humility. Humility in the sense that most of the heartbreaking moments would be when dehumanized while sincerely rendering care. A humble heart is needed to ignore being looked at as a ”mere nurse” or ” just a nurse” or ”physician attendant”

Nursing is about relationships and interactions with people. It is important to have a good relationship with God- realize there is a being superior to all, to whom all humans are accountable to. This will guide integrity and sincerity because several times, one faces difficult situations that demand a very high level of sincerity and integrity.


To work is to pray. Nursing can never be divorced from religion. All religions have good will for people and preach love and care for fellow humans. Pastors are called to preach, Nurses are called to care. I will perform my care in a dignified style that will earn me honor and prestige. With a smile and an attitude of willingness to help, teach, direct and speak when necessary. And a resolution not to accept intimidation or inferiority complex by pursuing knowledge, being aware of what happens in my environment and following up with new trends in my practice.


In sum, I adopt the Watson’s theory. This theory focuses on four important aspects: human being, environment/society, health and nursing. In order words, a human being living in a society with health needs that needs the services of a nurse. Nurses care for human beings with health needs in the society. The individual cannot be isolated from his environment. When the environment is not conducive, invariably health is impacted in one way or another. Health is a continuum, from complete wellness to complete illness. Everyday is an opportunity to help someone. Lord help me to be the best nurse ever.