Self Reflection



This course has prepared me to work in the community. Emphasis is shifting away from hospital care to community care, which involves reaching the client at home and correlating home environment and the causation of sickness. Clients feel at ease when receiving health care services in their home environment. The nurse seizes every opportunity to discuss disease prevention and the maintenance of health. Since the nurse lives in the same community with the client, it is easier for the nurse to spot health practices that impact negatively on health and pursue a course of action to implement a change. There is a free flow of communication between the nurse and the client because the nurse is easily accessible. This course has broadened my perception on the roles of a community health nurse- a role which I might be taking shortly after my graduation. In this self-reflection, my discussion will focus on the experiences gained during the service learning project at the Stein center in Manhattan.

Objective # 1. Demonstrate professionalism through behavior and appearance: My interactions with the seniors I met in Stein center has inculcated in me a deep sense of respect for the elderly. My discussions with them about their life experiences taught me that change is inevitable in everyone’s life. Respect is reciprocal. I have learned that when is show deep seen of respect to others, it comes back to me indirectly. As a nurse caring for clients in the community I must show respect to all irrespective of color and creed. I must dress neatly and professionally with an aura of pride to my well cherished profession.

Objective # 2. Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting: Analytical reasoning and critical thinking are of paramount importance when caring for patients in the community. It pays to patiently pay attention to the patient’s complaints and decipher what is said verbally and what is said non-verbally. Patients value and appreciate nurses that pay attention to listen to their complaints. I have learned to make my communication with patients therapeutic enough to effect healing and create a rapport that would lead to trust in my care.

Objective # 3. Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individual and families in a community setting: Even though community practice is not like the hospital practice, there is still need for collaboration with other health practitioners in order to maximize care for the patient. I have learned to know when to stop, when to ask question, when to invite other health care personnel to assist. No one person knows it all. I have learned to involve others in the care. Division of labor can make work easy and life less stressful. No man is an island, we all need each other in other to be successful.

Objective # 4. Establish an environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence based practice: A therapeutic conducive environment helps learners to maximize learning. Nursing in the current era is evidence based. As a role model to others, I must ensure that those learning under me follow the evidence based practices. Knowledge from nursing research has taught me to look at some practices with a pinch of salt unless it is scientifically proven that it is evidence based. I have learned to keep abreast with journals in order to stay current and apply the latest knowledge in the care of my patients.

Objective # 5. Utilize information technology when communicating with individuals and families in the community: Communication has shifted from pen and paper to internet skipping, tweeting, charting, and browsing. This course helped to improve my skill on the use of various technologies:- emails, blogging, keyboarding to submit assignments, e-Portfolio, etcetera. These tools are needed for communication both locally and globally. As a community health nurse, I have learned to use all these new forms of communication in order to function effectively in the community.

Objective # 6. Demonstrate a commitment to professional development: As a community health nurse, I have learned to keep on pursuing knowledge despite what it might cost me. This way, I would be knowledgeable enough to render evidence based care to my clients and help in mentoring the younger professionals. Knowledge is power. The importance of continuing education cannot be over emphasized. It is either one updates himself or become outdated.

Objective # 7. Incorporate professional standards and accountability into practice: Each profession has a code of ethics that guides the members on the acceptable way of behavior. My knowledge of nursing ethics has helped me to be more professional in my relationship with my patients. A registered nurse is held accountable for whatever she says, does or practices and liable to facing malpractice charges if found guilty. The principle of beneficence would always guide me when caring for my patients.

Objective # 8. Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team: Clients at the Stein center are basically senior citizens. When caring for senior citizens and indeed any other group of patients, it is important to collaborate with important others in their life. Most of them have comorbidities, it is important to ask questions about their medications and what they know about their disease condition. It a good practice to always ask, what did your doctor say about this or that? Or what did the nutritionist say about your diet? This will help build a follow up on the information already available to them without giving new information that could lead to confusion. I also learned that prompt referral to the appropriate specialty would save life and complications.

Objective # 9. Recognize the impact of economic, political, social, demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services: Health care delivery has been impacted negatively by economic, political, social and demographic factors. It is my responsibility as a community health nurse to make sure that health care is accessible to the elderly, disadvantaged, minority or low social class group. I have been trained to be a patient advocate, soliciting and demanding that patient get the right services at the appropriate place and time. My role in the community places me at a position to attend political meetings and influence decisions that may have impact on the health of the community.


Community health nursing is one of the specialty areas that most training nurses do not know much about. Being in this class has broadened my understanding of community health nursing. I have learned that people in general are more similar than diverse. I have learned to accept all and accept their cultural practices that make them unique. My interactions with the senior citizens at Stein center has made me see aging and the aged with a different lens. Skills acquired will help to improve my nursing practice. I will remain grateful for the privilege to be in this class. Lessons learned will remain indelible.