Learning self analysis

Someone would wonder why going back to school after many years of graduation. I gave it a careful thought, and decided to damn all odds and go to the classroom to relearn what i had learned before. I saw it amazing, refreshing, and fun. Even though at times there were clashes with family responsibilities, the effort was worth it. Sitting in class with students just fresh from high school, listening to their contributions in class and their perspective of nursing, I appreciated it more that i have done this job for over a decade.   It is either one updates self or become outdated. I choose to update myself so as to stay current in my practice.

This course has been an eye opener to areas often overlooked- the entering into practice in nursing. Although one would say it does not matter what certification one has obtained to practice nursing, my research has proved to me that it does actually matter. I agree with the proponents of the BSN in 10. It is a vision that every Registered nurse must pursue. Even though they are counter opinions from the stakeholders and the health community at large, I will be among those who will fight the just cause and make sure it is won.

Nursing is evolving, what it is today is not what it was yesterday. Our tomorrow is bright if only we could all join hands and pursue a goal. With one voice, nothing is impossible to achieve. This course NUR 4130 must be made compulsory for every nurse to pass through, because diverse issues affecting the profession are discussed. Suggestions or ideas from students could  bring a wave of change that will take nursing into a different pedestal