
Drums! everybody likes drums. me and Brean Holguin my partner in this project made an app called “Drum pad”, an app that allows the user not  only hear then sounds of a drum kit from your android devise but also learn about music by learning the proper names of each sound since each sound is label on each box. Of course this is not enough  you could sing and at the same time play the sounds but this wouldn’t be as pretty as you may think when trying it, This is not the case with this app you could sing along without opening your mouth, Start recording and sing afterwards just play your recording and at the same time use the drum pad!


Me and Brean tried doing drums kit from a drum kit image, but after realizing that putting multiple sounds within the same image on different sections of the image was near impossible we decided to change plans and I cropped the image and put sounds where they belong, but didn’t get the pretty outcome we expected, so once more we changed plans and decided to just put color images with the name of the parts of the drum. Brean searched for the sounds while I searched for the images for the interface, while Brean was naming each sound I was researching how to record one’s voice within the app. After finding how to do it I included the voice recorder in to the app interface and moved on to the programming. Me and Brean took turns on the programming  by assigning each sound to their respective image, then I made the blocks necessary for the voice recorder of the app.UntitledEMT 1111 Project 1 EMT 1111 Project 2 EMT 1111 Project 3 EMT 1111 Project 4

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