Assignment 9 – Subway Sandwich Shop

Posted by on Nov 10, 2014 | No Comments


Creative Brief

Target Audience: Male, GENDER. 16-25 years old, AGE. Education: High School+

Product Features: Diverse selection, Fresh, Tasty.

Product Benefits: Healthy, Convenient, Cheap.

Tone of message: College Humor

Where the ad will play: Comedy Central, FX, Sports Games, After school hours.


Dark and dingy living room. Light from TV shines on a man reclining in a arm chair. He is in his late 20’s – early 30’s; he is balding, he is wearing a food and sweat stained wife-beater. His stomach is big littered with food crumbs. The man binge eats in front of the TV; he has an open box of pizza, bag of potato chips and carton of ice cream all in arms reach of his chair where he merrily indulges.
Sounds from TV; laughing, screaming, commercials, music, explosions. Sounds of man breathing heavily and of him chewing his food loudly. He also giggles briefly at the TV.
Narrator: “Want to change your diet? Try eating subway.”

An arm arbitrarily holding a Subway Foot long TM pushes in from the right side of the frame. The arm is fully extended with its hand now holding the sub in front of the guy on the coach.  He briefly inspects the hand and sandwich and does not seemed alarmed, instead he casually takes the sub from the hand and naively takes a bite. Hand is gone now. In an instant a flash and a cloud of smoke is fading away from around the man. In his place is a  younger more attractive man with ripped muscles. Also he is shirtless. A narrator stands in front of the scene dressed in a fancy suite and talks to the audience. He looks like a refined, cool, business man.
Poof from magic after eating sandwich. Narrator: “It’s that easy, get off the coach and get to a Subway!”

Footage of subway stores and sandwiches. Closing title screen of subway logo. Reads Subway eat fresh.
Narrator: “Subway sandwich shops are delicious, and healthy. Be an adult and make the healthier decision.” Disclaimer: “Product will not transform your body after one bite. Subway does not claim that it’s product can produce magic.”

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