Oasics Commercial (ExtraCredit)

Posted by on Nov 3, 2014 | No Comments

I felt that this advertisement was powerful and that its narrative told a story of spirituality and strength. The sequence of shots in the video were rhythmical and as the story increased in pace more about our characters were revealed. The first few shots were either dark, out of focus or very zoomed in; which only gave us small bits of information about who and what we were watching. But as the story progressed we saw the use of wider shots, more zoomed out scenes and close ups of faces which intimately reintroduced us to our heroes as well as showing us the scope and intensity their run. The careful architecture of low angle, high angle, insert shots, extreme close ups, wide angle shots, camera movement, and ambiguous lighting lead to a short story that was easy to follow and also subtly invokes a fighting inner-fire in the (this) viewer.

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