Gary Jean-Guste and I decided to come together to work on our culmination project. We are planning on producing a 5 to 10 minute Mockumentary PSA video bringing awareness to the topic of addiction. The plan is to have the person be addicted to something bizarre. We would like to focus on addiction because it’s a serious issue in the world today. Based on some of the research I did, an article done by USA TODAY, I learned that in the USA alone, 1 in 7 Americans would face substance addiction. We really wanted to bring awareness to this problem; just to think, every 19 minutes an addict dies from their choice of substance addiction. We both will be in charge of researching the topic of addiction. Gary’s role is Production; he will be in charge of acquiring and taking care of the equipment, shooting, and storyboard. My role is Post-Production, I will be editing the footage together and setting the deliverables.

There are different types of platforms a video can be shot with. For our project, we would use two of those platforms to show the various ways to shoot a video. We will be using a mobile device for behind the scenes and flashback shots, and a DSLR camera for the main video. Even though using the two isn’t something new in the industry, it’s new to us and we would like to do something we’ve never done to make it more challenging to us. Having the two formats helps deficient the different settings of the story. For the audio, it will be recorded on set with a zoom recorder; we will be using a shotgun microphone attached to a boom pole. If need be, we will have an ADR session. To make it challenging for me, I choose to use Avid to edit the project together as I am still new to the software.

I took on the responsibility of being the editor because I would like to do something that will not only challenge me but also help me grow in my career path in the industry. I personally feel more comfortable in the pre-production and production stages, directing how things go. Having some experience being on set as a director and PA, I love being there to make sure what was envisioned comes to life. Since I would have felt more comfortable on the Production side, I wanted to make this a learning experience that brings along some challenges. Some other challenges that I will face are having to transition between the mobile and DSLR clips, having the two different formats of video and making the edits between the two can be very complex. Plus I will be using Avid to edit; being the industry’s standard editing software. Not being quite proficient yet with the software and being used to working on Premiere, I wanted to go outside my comfort zone and use Avid. Taking all the skills I’ve learned from my editing classes, this will be the best moment to use them. Hoping to become more rounded in the industry, I will use this experience to help me for my career in the future.