Introduction to Linear Algebra
Topics include systems of equations, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, inner products, vector spaces, and subspaces. Prereq: MAT1575 (Calculus II) Meeting Time – Tues/Thurs: 2:30 – 3:45 p.m […]
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ENGLISH 2000: Globalization and Literature (Perspectives in Literature, spring 2013)
In this course, we will study literature across genres, eras, and locales. We will examine broad themes such as family and home, the individual and society, good and evil, and the conflicts surrounding […]
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CET4773 Microcomputer Interfacing
This course covers electronic interfacing technologies and techniques required to connect computers to internal and external systems and other computers and components. Topics include Local Area Networks (LAN) and […]
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MAT2680 :: Differential Equations (6665)
An introduction to solving ordinary differential equations. Applications to various problems are discussed.
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Composition and Equilibrium: Engineering Your Way Through an Essay
Do you plan on pursuing a career in Construction Management or Engineering Technology? Communication will be critical to your success. In our learning community you will apply a common procedure to design, analyze […]
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Students learn basic typography and page assembly techniques including elements, measurements, fonts, settings and configurations, proof-reading mark-ups and corrections, altered file naming conventions and storage […]
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This will be used for the library’s faculty workshop, Instructional web Design, on March 20, 2013.
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This course will explore the foundational concepts of light and exposure in photography. The student will develop framing and compositional skills as well as an understanding of photography as representation. […]
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community Health Nursing – Wednesday 2pm
This course builds upon the student’s knowledge of nursing and provides the requisites required for practice as a community health nurse. The focus is on health promotion, disease prevention and maintenance of h […]
This course is a continuation of Anatomy and Physiology I. It covers the study of the structure and function of the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, digestive and endocrine system, as well as development, […]