This course will provide an overview of the basic principles in development from prenatal to middle childhood. We will review trends in contemporary research on physical, cognitive, social, and […]
- OpenOpen
This is lab component of BIO1201!
- OpenOpen
This is a continuation of the Biology I course. This course focuses on the basic description of living organisms ranging from Prokaryotes to higher Eukaryotes. the lecture component will include at least 4 exams […]
- OpenOpen
Human biology Bio1100 sectionD902
coming soon!
- OpenOpen
First year intensive writing course. Students will learn different modes of writing and learn more about New York City in the process
- OpenOpen
Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Media
This course provides an introduction to the study and analysis of emerging technologies and how this influences practical process. Students will examine how technologies have evolved historically as well as develop […]
- OpenOpen
CET4773: Internetworking Technology
Technologies, protocols, and techniques used to connect a computer network with other networks through the use of gateways that provide a common method of routing information packets between the networks. […]
- OpenOpen
Child Psychology Spring 2014
This hybrid will provide an overview of the basic principles in development from prenatal to adolescent. We will review trends in contemporary research on physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development […]
- OpenOpen
ARCH3590 Introduction to Computation and Fabrication Fall 2014
This course is an introduction to digital fabrication. It will explore the qualities of materials such as wood, concrete, and plastics in the context of computational design and digital fabrication thinking and […]
- OpenOpen
An analysis of static structures with a focus on steel and wood.
- OpenOpen
LIB 1201 – Research & Documentation for the Information Age – Section 9952
In this course we will explore issues in research and documentation for text (in print and online), images, sound, and multimedia. You will investigate where information comes from and how it is organized in both […]
Course Description: Architectural Technology from prehistoric times to the present, stressing the development of structural systems and the exploration of materials. This course will also explore the interaction of […]
- OpenOpen