Quiz 3 open on Blackboard!

Hello Students!  Quiz #3 is now available on Blackboard, in the “Content” folder, it’s the first item.  If you would prefer to take the quiz on paper, in the department office (N622), you are welcome to do so.  Please call me at 917.363.0063 to arrange it.  Otherwise, please complete the quiz today (Tuesday, April 25, 2023) here on Blackboard, anytime between 10am-5pm, in one hour, and in one sitting.  So, once you start the quiz, you must complete and submit it before logging off Blackboard.  Choose the best answer to each question.  Each response is worth 2 points.  If you have questions or technical problems, or you need additional time, please CALL me at 917.363.0063.  (Please do not email or text.)  Good luck!


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