WHO I am

Hello everyone my name is Virice Webb Jr. I am a second year student at city tech. I have a major of law & paralegal studies. I chose my major, because I am highly interested in our country’s legal system. I intend to finish my bachelors degree here at city Tech, and attend law school afterwards. I knew I wanted to be a legal advocate, when I realized how good I am at advocating for others. Another reason why I knew I wanted to become a lawyer was my passion for debating my beliefs and views. I hope I can be a help to my community & the world . I enjoy discussing current events and court cases. I’m a huge animal lover. I have a dog, 24 African cichlids, and a bearded dragon. My favorite thing to do is travel. I love adventure. My next adventure will be to Kenya this spring. I intend to stay at the Maasai Mara safari national park, which shares a border with Tanzania’s Serengeti national park.

1 thought on “WHO I am

  1. Hello, my name is Sana Shehadeh. I’m in the Law and Paralegal Studies program because I want to become a paralegal. I am in it to gain work experience and perspective on the law world without practicing law just yet. I think being a paralegal will teach me a lot just before going into law school. Hopefully after some work experience for a couple of years after graduating with my bachelors I want to apply to law school and become a licensed attorney. Something about me is I love animals and I horseback ride as a hobby. I also love to read on my free time and visit new bookstores.

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