No meeting Tue April 25! Take Quiz 3 on Blackboard!

Hello Students!

I hope you all enjoyed the Spring-y weekend!  Just a reminder, we will NOT meet tomorrow (Tuesday, April 25).  Instead, you will complete Quiz #3 on Blackboard, anytime between 10am-5pm, which will count as your attendance for tomorrow’s class.  The quiz covers our topics since the midterm exam: Ethics & Professional Responsibility, and Sources of Law (chapters 4-5).  If you would prefer to take the quiz on paper, in person, you’re welcome to do that, let me know or just come to the department office (N622) anytime before 4:30pm.

Also don’t forget, on Thursday April 27, we’ll meet in the department office (N622) at 10am SHARP to drop our stuff, then go to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of NY to observe a proceeding!  It looks like we will be able to watch a criminal trial!!

Have a pleasant evening,


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