Who I Am

                 I come humbled and honored to introduce myself to you professor together with my peers . My name is Boyd Embleton and this current semester marks my 1st semester at City Tech after spending my first 2 1/2 years of college at York College. Whilst in the process of choosing my next school of study I heavily looked at how easy my commuting would be as well as how active they were combined with diversity and/or hospitable and certainly not least the question I rested on was, “Am I going to grow here especially pertaining to my major?” Evidently, my answer was yes for City Tech and upon first glance you wouldn’t think a previously Political Science major would fall into Paralegal Studies but I did my due diligence of researching beforehand and I saw the overview posted by Prof. Mennella and I was really intrigued. That and the fact that I have relatives of mine who are alumni of this school and they’d always speak so highly of this institution so those talks definitely helped play into my decision. 

             Law has always been in my veins (if you will), ever since I was in my more tender years thanks to my heavenly watching great uncle who was an attorney by profession, dealing more so with the criminal aspect of things. Simply, my hope is to squeeze as much of this orange in the line of this program as I possibly can that’ll equip me with the necessary tools to certify me to be a Paralegal. And further taking me onto law school too in my later years in pursuit of my ultimately being a lawyer just as my great uncle was. I too, like him believe in the law and its abiding system and want to take up the mantle of representing people, place or thing in wherever my expertise shall take me because the right type of peace and justice should always be met. Finally, one last thing I’d like to leave about myself is I love basketball and most of down time is spent doing in the realm of the game.


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