Who I Am!

Hello!  I am Kerin Coughlin, the instructor of this course!  I teach Law and Paralegal Studies at City Tech because I love the law, and I love teaching!  Many moons ago, I was a junior high school Social Studies teacher, then I became a lawyer, and I practiced law full-time for about twelve years.  During most of that time, I was a commercial litigator, which means I represented people and companies that either were suing companies, or getting sued.  While I was practicing full-time, I started teaching law part-time, and I really liked it, so I decided to switch it around.  This is my ninth year teaching full-time here at City Tech, and I love it!  My favorite part of teaching is working with students.  You’re awesome!

Something I want you to know about me is that I have two cats who I really love!  Their names are Minnie and Marco, they are six years old.  I just adopted them this past August from a family who lives upstate.  They are brother and sister.  They love to play, and to snuggle!  Here are photos of them — Marco on the left, Minnie on the right:

I’m confident this semester is going to be GREAT!!  I really look forward to working with all of you!



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