
Here you will find a record of homework and take-home assignments  given out in class. In-class assignments will not appear.

Tuesday, 10/15, Week 9

  • Story of Your Life is due next Tuesday.

Thursday, 10/10, Week 8

  • Work on Project II: Story of Your Life.

Tuesday, 10/8, Week 8

  • No class.

Thursday, 10/5, Week 7

  • Remember to annotate assignments for Comparative Analysis.

Tuesday, 10/3, Week 7

  • No class.

Thursday, 9/25, Week 6

  • No new assignments before 11/1.

Tuesday, 9/23, Week 6

  • Consider the Lobster basic analysis is due 10/3.
  • Annotations for Comparative Analysis are due 10/10.
  • Story of Your Life (Project II) is due 10/22.
  • Collated notes for Comparative Analysis due 10/29.
  • Comparative Analysis due 11/5.

Thursday, 9/19, Week 5

  • Project I is due on Monday (9/23 next week).
  • Writing a Basic Analysis deadline has been pushed to 10/3 (we don’t have class that day).

Tuesday, 9/17, Week 5

  • Continue annotating Consider the Lobster.
  • Continue working on Project I.

Thursday, 9/12, Week 4

Tuesday, 9/10, Week 4

Thursday, 9/5, Week 3

  • No class.

Tuesday, 9/3, Week 3

Thursday, 8/29, Week 2

Tuesday, 8/27, Week 1