Monthly Archives: September 2019

How To Organize a Paper

Below, you will find an information graphic and extended explanations for 10 different rhetorical structures for written texts. All of the assignments you are writing in this class are either examples of these kinds of texts, or a hybrid of two or more (yes, you can break the rules under many circumstances, like this one).

Consider the various facets of these types of texts as you develop your sense of how you want to structure Project II and Project III.

How to Organize a Paper: 10 Ways to Structure Your Document for Nearly Any Occasion

Models for Living and Doing

Hi Everyone,

Since we are talking about narratives and how our ability to tell stories is intricately linked to understanding audience, and our relationship to others in culture more generally, I’ve created a presentation of key models below to help you understand your relationship to story, learning, writing, and doing interesting work.

ENG1101–Models for Living and Doing

Project 1: Flow Chart

Hi Everyone,

Every semester, a few students have trouble understanding what to do for Project 1 so this semester I have created a flow-chart of how the project works. You will find it below. Also, thank your classmates Nas for helping me come up with the idea of drawing out a graphic and Farley who helped me design the prototype and user tested it for all of us. Click the image to enlarge.

Walk through of Project 1

A visual representation of how Project 1 works (click to enlarge)!