You can help!

A group of faculty at City Tech are conducting a project to improve the success of students in math-heavy courses by providing free online modules that help students better understand how mathematical ideas connect to other STEM disciplines.  

An essential part of the project is getting feedback from students, to help us understand whether these modules have been effective.  We are looking for volunteers to answer a short survey about your experiences using these materials.  

What would you need to do?

Complete at least one episode of the appropriate module for your course.  Later in the semester, complete a short online survey.

Will participating affect your grade? Can you use the modules without providing feedback? 

You can use the modules whether or not you agree to participate – just fill out the form below indicating your preference. Your participation will have no affect on your grade.  However, you will be assisting in a project designed to help students be more successful in an area of significant challenge.  Your identity will not be revealed in our research.

What should you do if you want to participate?

Fill out the consent form below, then continue on to the module!

Consent to participate in a research study

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