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Department virtual zoom link
September 1st, 2022 12:45-2 PM Eastern Time
Welcome from the chair
Greetings Incoming Class,
Thank you for joining us this year!
As the Chairperson of the Chemistry Department at City Tech, and on behalf of the faculty and staff, I would like to welcome you to the College and more specifically the Chemistry Department.
We offer two degrees, an Associate in Science in Chemical Technology, and the Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry. Whether you are in the 2- or 4-year degree program, we offer customized academic advising so you can complete your degree. We have small classes taught by dedicated faculty. Our laboratories and equipment are state of the art for an undergraduate institution. As a student at City Tech, there are a lot of opportunities for you to engage in. Join a Club – better yet 2! – one has to be the Chemistry Club, right? Participate in research through the Emerging Scholars or Honors Scholars program since this gives you the chance to CONNECT and be mentored by a faculty. As a student in one of our Chemistry majors, you can apply for a National Science Foundation S-STEM Scholarship. We have had successful graduates, so take a look at where they are now and read about their experience in the department. It will inspire you.
We really look forward to seeing you in person at some point during the academic year, but for now a virtual “Hello & Welcome” to our department.
Chemistry Department Chairperson
Department mission statement
The chemistry department’s principal responsibility is our teaching and your learning chemistry. We design our curriculum to integrate the principles and methods of scientific processes with hands-on experience with chemicals and the observation and measurement of chemical reactions.We provide comprehensive education and training for a new generation of chemists and chemical technologists to meet increasing demand in pharmaceutical science, personal care products, energy production and distribution, etc.
The Associate Degree Program in Chemical Technology promotes an understanding of modern theory, applications and issues in chemistry; development of laboratory techniques and analytical skills; and enhanced communication skills with a focus on scientific writing. City Tech’s AS curriculum includes classroom and laboratory course work in general and organic chemistry; the curriculum also requires courses in calculus, calculus-based general physics I and II, two elective courses in science or mathematics and all Pathways general education required courses. The AS in Chemical Technology provides graduates with the foundations for a bachelor’s degree or higher in disciplines such as chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, education, applied mathematics and other related sciences. These programs may lead to admission to medical and dental schools, for highly qualified applicants. The AS in Chemical Technology also provides the preparation needed for transfer to professional schools in the health sciences in areas such as medical technology, pharmaceutical sciences and physician assistant programs. The majority of graduates pursue higher education in baccalaureate programs within the City University of New York.
The Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry is unique within the City University of New York. The program adapts City Tech’s Chemistry Department offerings to meet the education requirements of 21st century laboratory science careers in and around New York City. The BS complements the existing AS in Chemical Technology. It provides a seamless path for AS Chemical Technology students to continue their studies. The degree has a 2+2 structure such that the AS in Chemical Technology is the first two years of the bachelor’s degree. Our curriculum is designed to provide a strong foundation in laboratory skills that will enable graduates to achieve “college-to-career” employment. This includes hands-on training in extensive laboratory course work, necessary for students to launch careers in chemical industry and in the broad range of industries that utilize analytical chemistry. While fulfilling its primary goal of excellent preparation for immediate entry into a career position, the program also prepares students for post-baccalaureate study and health profession schools because it meets all of the American Chemical Society’s requirements for approval of bachelor’s degree programs.
Fun facts
- The Chemical Technology program at City Tech is one of the few in the country to be approved by the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Chemical/Environmental Laboratory Technology program Approval Service (now part of ACS Two-Year Programs), signifying to industry that it meets quality standards similar to those of the most effective chemistry-based programs in the U.S.
- The Chemistry Department is one of the best-equipped undergraduate chemistry programs in New York in terms of broad range of modern instrumentation. Our programs contain a particularly strong component of hands-on laboratory course work.
- Some of chemistry graduates continue their education to PhD Programs at Stony Brook University, SUNY, professional schools such as NYU College of Dentistry and Touro College of Pharmacy, as well as Masters Program at Baruch College Zicklin School of Business.
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