Below are a few courses developed at other colleges/universities, with course materials shared online for free:
Introduction to Computer Engineering – Virginina Tech – Module with different activities. Note: Flash must be enabled.
Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 2011. Includes course slides, video lectures, lecture notes, and problem sets.
Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 2005
Principles of Computer Systems – A 2002 course from MIT, includes downloadable course documents.
Intelligent User Experience Engineering – “Study Goals: Knowledge of a basic, coherent approach for developing software systems in such a way that the systems’ users can accomplish their goals effectively and efficiently, and with a high level of satisfaction.” Course developed at the Delft University of Technology.
Computational Sciences Lecture Series at UW-Madison – Lecture series, includes slides, transcripts and video.