Project 1: Sketches

DUE Week 06

Create a new Post to this blog by clicking on the ‘+’ button at the top of this page. Title your new Post: “P1 Sketch – Your Name”

Upload your sketches for Project 1. Be sure to include the following:

    1. Tag the Post: ‘Project 1: Sketches’
    2. Categorize the Post under the pulldown option ‘Project 1: Sketches’
    3. Insert jpgs: “Firstname_P1-Sketches1.jpg”, “Firstname_P1-Sketches2.jpg”, etc.
    4. Include a ‘thesis’ sentence summarizing focus of your Info Graphic


Week 06


Tuesday 03/11/20


PART 2: Research & Sketches, submit the following:

  1. Post Your Work: post all your sketches for class review and
    feedback to Post Your Work
  2. Save your work into this folder: Week6-Sketches/Drafts
    In google drive folder, make a new folder with your name and save your:
      1. inspiration materials
      2. sketches (scan as PDF or take a picture of your sketch)
      3. typographic choices


Guest Lecture
We are very fortunate to have a Allison Mayle, from the Cold Spring Harbor DNA Learning center join us between 2:30PM-4PM and give us a better understanding of DNA Barcoding. She also manages the Urban Barcode Research Program there. She will also be available to answer questions you may have related to our work this semester.

This (slightly cheesey) video, intended for non-designers, has some useful tips for how to think through gathering and organizing your Info Graphic. You can learn more by visiting their website: Venngage tips on ‘How to Make an Infographic‘ This company provides templates for people that want a simple info-graphic. We are NOT using their templates. But they can help to inform yours.
(And keep in mind, the best info-graphics are created by true graphic designers)


  1. By Thursday 3/19 Post all of your sketches to the TWO PLACES I have requested you to do so (see the top of this post under ‘DUE’)
  2. By Monday 3/21 view all the sketches that have been posted (to Post Your Work) and choose one student and provide them with constructive feedback based on what they are showing. If someone has already provided feedback feel free to add your thoughts, but I would like each of you to also choose one student who has not yet received any feedback. (Since we are no longer meeting in person, I would like us to begin to facilitate the in-class critiques in this way.)
  3. By Monday 3/21 develop concept and refine sketches (charts and graphs). Begin to draft your InfoGraphic in InDesign. Aim to have a solid first draft ready for show.


Week 05


Tuesday 03/4/20


  • Research – hand in Phase 1 Worksheet (save into Class folder – Week5)
  • Sketches
  • Research topic. Find at least three resources with relevant data.



  • Present – Phase 1 – Worksheet and your sketches
  • Setting up a draft of the actual poster in InDesign
  • Work on homework


  • Prepare to PRESENT your work with the class (Review lecture)
    1. Finalize your content
    2. Find reference and inspiration materials
    3. Draft of the actual poster: Create at least three charts in Illustrator related to data you have collected
    4. Ten sketches of your layout and related ideas book
    5. Typefaces you are planning to work with

Week 04


Tuesday 2/26/2020

  • Decide on topic for Info Graphic as it relates to an aspect of DNA and/or DNA barcoding.
  • Research topic. Find at least three resources, preferably with relevant data.
  • Lots of Reading & Watching (See Homework Week3)


  • Project 1 – Phase 1: Collecting Information Handout
    Based on your research, decide on a topic for your Info Graphic as it relates to an aspect of DNA and/or DNA barcoding and how it impacts (or could in the future) one aspect of society  (i.e. healthcare, criminal justice, farming, etc).
  • Lecture – Research. How and where to collect data (See Lecture Week4)
  • Review findings of excellent Info Graphics (See Posts Week1)
  • Discussion – the creative process, research and developing ideas
  • Illustrator Continued: Graphs and Charts: (See Lesson Week4)
  • Watch:



Week 03


Tuesday 02/19/20


  • 2 graphs in illustrator based on class lecture and collected data. We will review and edit today. Please save your work as a PDF, into the class Google folder, with your name on it: Homework-Week3
  • Collected Data: Class Spreadsheet-LinkTo




Make sure you have access to Canvas (you should have all received and email from the BioDesign Challenge. Please let me know if you did not.)

About DNA

History of Information Design

  • Decide on topic for Info Graphic
  • Research topic. Find at least three resources with relevant data.

Week 02


  • Post the 3 links that you found from researching website to the blog comments on the page (see last weeks posting Homework)
  • Reading (see last weeks posting Homework)


  • Discussion of reading: W.E.B. Du Boise  and Florence Nightingale
  • Types of Graphs and Charts
  • Graphs & Charts (blog post about what chart or graph to choose)
  • Illustrator Lesson: Basic Charts and Graphs
  • Understanding data and displaying visually measured quantities
  • Basic Excel: Sort and Filter
  • Fill out In-Class Survey


  • Collecting Data from class
  • Enter spreadsheet – Class Spreadsheet
  • Intro to Illustrator continued


  • Finish entering class data into Excel file
  • Create 2 charts in illustrator based on class lecture and collected data

Week 01


Introductions – Welcome!
  • Overview of the three main projects for the semester
  • Class requirements and expectations


  • Data Visualization and Info Graphics
  • Visual Storytelling and Data Journalism
  • Science Visualization – explaining complex problems visually

BioDesign Challenge

We are very fortunate to be participating in the the BioDesign Challenge this semester.  The main goals of this competition are as follows:

    1. To create a community of collaboration among artists, designers, and biologists
    2. To seed the first generation of biodesigners
    3. To build meaningful public dialogue about biotech and its uses

Visit the BioDesign Challenge >>  website to learn more here


  • Collecting Data
  • Introduction to Illustrator



What is BioTech? Watch the following 3 videos as a starting overview


Review the following website:
Find an excellent example of each of the following (copy and paste the URL to the comment part of this blog):

    • 1 Info Graphic
    • 1 Diagram
    • 1 Flow Chart