For this assignment, we were asked to read the Daily Heller Articles.

Reading both articles was interesting, especially regarding the designing portion. You can ultimately see the different styles across both readings. In the article of This Land Was Made for You and Me Nora Guthrie and Robert Santelli curated a book of Woody Guthrie: Songs and Art. It is a very well-formatted concept of Woody Guthrie’s career as a musician. The book incorporated archived work from Woody when it came to his life and music writing. Now, with DYES’ Graffiti Transforms Language on the Street, it is entirely the opposite. In this reading, we learn about an artist and a street artist who goes by the name DYES. When it comes to DYES, work it is not properly thought out most of the time. Instead, DYES goes with the flow with the majority of his work. His work is more graffiti art incorporated with novelty typography. I have to say DYES work grabbed my attention because it is eccentric. DYES doesn’t have a particular style; he seems to go off with whatever feels right to him. I completely admire that not many artists can do art without a plan. 

Student Post from David Flores’s ePortfolio Site

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