Final Project: personal flag

COMD 1100 flag project


You will create a 11”x14” image on Bristol that expresses yourself in a figure/ground flag style design. You will show understanding of specific Design Elements and Principles we’ve studied. You will use a color palette that has meaning to you and create personal logos integrated into a dynamic unified visual statement.


1) Research, Ideation and sketching. BEFORE THINKING OF YOUR PERSONAL FLAG:

Research : Background history of pictorial symbolic language.

Google the following subjects:

1-Pictograms- graphic symbols

2-Heiroglyphs –pictorial language through ancient history

3-Flag Design- banding ideas, simple composition devices, color symbolism

4-Logo Designs – study styles, composites, symbolism, flow.

Make 3 sketches each from above 3 sources.

2) Personal Ideation: Make Mindmap or outline in sketchbook pages

Write down 6-10 words in 3 categories:

1) Likes and Interests

2) Personal Attributes and Qualities

3) Outside affiliations : religion, country, teams, organizations.

3) Make several individual sketches, on mindmap or sketch paper, to illustrate your interests, attributes and affiliations.

4) Develop graphic symbols, logos, to represent these categories, individually and in combination.

5) Create thumbnails of flag design ideas.

6) Critique and revision

7) Final executed in acrylic paint or Digital format.

For this project you will use concepts from Project 1-Line/Power/Fragility (abstract lines to create message and composition)-

This abstract process is important in order to represent graphically your personal attributes; for instance happy, serious, impetuous, moody, generous – to integrate a quality like this into symbolic form it requires abstract properties.

It is important when creating graphics of activities/interests you enjoy to think about how literal should the form be vs a sillouette or simple graphic shape. You’ve studied ways to make a variety of shapes and 3 dimensional forms- these tools will be put to use.

All these tools and processes will allow you to express abstract ideas and specific shapes to create logo symbols of yourself integrated into a color field flag design.

Presentation of final and class discussion.