Anything that puts high demands on you can be stressful. College stress can be particularly difficult as students are frequently trying to balance many different and new responsibilities and experiences. One of the best things students can do is learn how to identify what is causing their stress and develop healthy ways of dealing with or alleviating pressure points.

  • Being away from families for extended amounts of time can bring up many feelings of sadness.
  • Concerns about academic performance are one of the most common trigger points of stress for college students.
  • Some students also experience huge amounts of anxiety over taking a test; though they may have studied for hours and know the material forwards and backwards, actually sitting down to answer questions about their knowledge can be a massive source of fear.
  • The rising cost of college and high amounts of debt can leave even the most motivated student feeling hopeless and anxious about their finances. Some students may try to work either on-campus or nearby while also enrolled full-time to offset some of the costs.
  • As students enter college, a number of their relationships shift and take on new forms. If parents are paying for college, talks about finances can be particularly stressful. In romantic relationships, for students who came to college with preexisting partners, learning if they want to do long-distance and how to accomplish that can be a major stress. For the single student, they may often feel stress to find a boyfriend or girlfriend as all of their friends are partnering together.
  • Lack of time to accomplish all that needs to be done in a given timeframe, especially early in their careers, students often experience time stress as they adjust to a larger workload and more significant demands from their professors and classes.
  • A concern for being places on time can often leave College Students racing around and worrying they’ll be late to classes or meetings with advisors.
  • Many students may experience anticipatory stress during their final year of college as they begin to look for jobs or plan their next move after graduation.