Community Health self Narrative

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance


Even though this semester was the toughest of all my studies in this school and I still enjoy my clinical days in First Step working with the 3years old group. At this clinical site it is a must for us to put on our identification badge on also be punctual and be in a clean nursing uniform and shoes. Professor always send information via our Cuny email to update us on any new changes or focus area for each week and what we are expected to accomplish.

Professor usually lay emphasis on engaging with the children and completes our assigned tasks. By 12noon, we meet as a group and discuss how the day went. This open forum creates an avenue for questions and answers. Also we are able to from other group experiences each week .We have also worked as a group to find information pertaining to the neighborhood. As the semesters go bye I started putting more efforts and started enjoying what I do. This year I learned most of all not to give up and to keep on writing, because I can. As a student, this portfolio gave me an opportunity to put forth my hardest work into one great theme.


Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.


In this clinical area my Critical thinking and developmental psychology studies came useful because am able to utilized and analyze what going on this age. With the help of the teachers I was able to formulate adaptable technique for the three years old. Example I was able to teach them how to put on their jackets on without much help from an adult. Also hand washing is emphasis in this group. This is a very interesting group were some have already develop listening hears and good memories but two of my 3 years old were very difficulty when it comes to listening to directions and they also display seeking attention behavior. So the teachers and I create a plan by Making a task or demand easier to accomplish successfully because I realized that Sometimes children misbehave because the task is too difficult or overwhelming. For example, after play time children were asked to clean up all of their toys when we ask which when this disruptive behavior emerge; however, they respond very well when we ask them to put one toy away at a time with some praise along the way and hold their hand (e.g., Please put the red block in the box. Great job for putting the block away. Put the green block in the box and so on. Positive Behavior Intervention was implemented most of the time and after few weeks with this group I can observe some changes in this children behavior less attention seeking behavior.

Objective 3: effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting


My clinical group and myself came together to provide various parent workshops about asthma, immunizations/flu shot, and emergency preparedness. During these workshops, we were able to engage many parents and provide knowledge about prevention.

Therapeutic communication has been important in our time with the children at First Steps. Many of the children were unsure about our presence in their classrooms and now we are welcomed each week. The children have grown accustom to being with us and have developed trust. They even call us by our names. I was able to use the skills that I have learned from Fundamentals to Psychology in this class am able to exercise my listening skills, clarification while communicating with the parents, children as well as the Teachers.

Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice.


            While at First Steps, we have created several parent workshops to engage the parents in healthcare awareness. With the children, I have worked on hand washing with my 3-year-old group. Putting on their jackets. I also worked with the teachers to develop a lesson plan to implement importance of brushing their teeth before and after eating.

Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.


            At first step information technology was not incorporated in the curriculum neither do we use it in the classroom setting but we were able to used technology outside of the classrooms to do research and communicate with other group members for our Community Project and other stuff. During our research, we communicate using a group e-mail to send each other information when requested.

Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development.


During our research project of the area (Brownsville), Our group found out that the Brownsville Partnership comes together and engage in more businesses to develop in the area. The main Problem of this community is housing which takes away the opportunity for more businesses to develop in Brownsville. With this being said it now creates a battle for more healthcare centers to grow and care for those who need medical attention is very limited. So we project to create more awareness and also to involve or get Government grant to builds more clinical sites and also create more availability to find resources for this community.


Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice.

  The American Nurses Association Standards and code of Ethics was put into practice at this clinical site. Confidentiality was maintained and the best care was given to the community of Brownsville. First Steps mission includes providing a safe environment for the children and families, which is my framework during my time there. First Steps provides a conducive environment where parents and children can work together to develop trusting relationships with each other and staff. As a nurse coming into this new environment so followed instructions given by the clinical instructor and staff members. I made sure assignments were completed in a timely manner


Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team.

Supporting the community in Brownsville helped address problems they are facing as well as individual client needs. In this community, we have provided information on asthma, immunizations/flu shots, and emergency preparedness. We created flyers and gave out pamphlets to community member’s part of First Steps. We provided more resources that are available for everyone. We were able to answer questions during our workshops, which gave us the chance to interact with the parent more about their health concerns.


Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social, and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services.

During this course I recognized that there are many gaps in the health care system, which I did not know before. Immigrants, children and elderly adults are falling through the cracks. Nurses are in a good position to educate this underserved group in this community on available resources that can help them. Acting as an advocate for client/families directing them to the appropriate health care resources by setting up the health education event center and some health promotion outreach, this will enable more members of the community to get familiarized with available resources and make use of it and changes can start from little steps.