
This is the first post on your Learning Blog. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

The ePortfolio is both a Learning Blog and an Academic Career Portfolio. Use the Learning Blog to document your learning experiences and class assignments each semester. As time goes by, add content to the Academics and Career sections to show your department, graduate institutions, or future employers how well prepared you are for your chosen career.

NOTE: Remember to add appropriate Categories and Tags to your posts. This will help your professors and other visitors find the content they are looking for. The Categories “Coursework” and “Field Trips” and the Tags “OpenLab” and “City Tech” have already been applied to this post. Feel free to make changes!

One thought on “Welcome!

  1. Christian J. Moscoso Post author

    This here is a sketch of a man made shelter in a foreign country. Just from looking closely it is obvious that its main component is wood. What is also used is grass, and most likely mud mixed with another element to create a motor like substance.


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