Project One: Line Movement

The line project was one of the first projects we did in class at the start of the semester.  Throughout this project I have learn a lot about lines and how they convey movement.  This is achieved though line width, spacing and line curving.  For the first attempt at this my lines were messy and did not progress decrease in size, because of this the lines did not move as much as I would have liked it to.  Having some free time I decided to correct the lines and keep the initial layout of the lines.  The longest and lines that went thought out the page would be thicker and heave different line width thought out the line.  As it reaches closer to the smaller lines it would decrease considerably in to smaller lines that curved inwards.  From a far it would look like fingerprints as my sister puts it and from a fellow classmate, it looked like a zebra.

For this piece line really did influenced the piece because the little lines made the section slope in like it was being sucked it.  Lines also help move the eye around or help guide it to where you want to go.  For my piece the lines melt into the little sections and off the page.  Overall this project helped me to understand how lines can be used in a piece to give emphasis and movement to any project.